West Ealing Christmas Festival Thursday 12th December 4-8pm

We’re almost there!  Watch out for the marquee and carousels tomorrow in Dean Gardens.

We have carols from St John’s Primary School at 4pm and then more carols from the New Testament Choir at 7.30pm. Here’s the full running order:

4.00 – 4.20 St John’s Primary School choir

4.20 – 4.30 magician

4.30 – 5.15 Gypsy Dynamite (quartet)

5.30 – 6.00 Robert Brookfield

6.00 – 6.10 magician

6.15 – 6.55 The Onironauts

7.00 – 7.20 Piers Hogg

7.30 – 8.00 New Testament Gospel Choir

For your Christmas gifts we have stalls selling:

  • Handmade fragrances, lip gloss, lavender bags
  • Bags made from recycled juice cartons
  • Animal nighlights, metal signs
  • A wide variety of jewellery
  • Cushion covers, baby bibs
  • Greetings cards
  • Terracotta tiles, picture frames, bags
  • Mulled apple juice, quince cheese, jams, chutneys, marmalade



What would attract you to West Ealing at night?

I’ve heard it said that West Ealing lacks a ‘night-time economy’. In other words, there’s nothing going on in the evenings to make you want to come out to West Ealing after dark.  Is that fair and what would attract you to come to West Ealing at night?

In terms of entertainment, our cinema days have long gone (not just in West Ealing but also in Ealing Broadway).  The Drayton Court puts on some excellent comedy and magic shows. OPEN Ealing has some sporadic events such as plays and exhibitions but these are one-off events. This may change if they can secure funding for their ambition to take on the cafe on the new Green Man Estate and turn this in to a cafe-cum-performance/exhibition space. We should know quite soon if this ambition can be realised. A number of our pubs have some excellent live music  – The Grosvenor, The Plough and so on.

If it’s food you’re looking for then West Ealing  has an ever-increasing number of fast food/take-away restaurants. Papa John’s pizza will soon open and Peri Peri Original chicken restaurant is about to open next to the Best Western Maitrise Hotel. We have very few ‘sit-down’ restaurants in West Ealing except in the strip running from the Lido Junction to Culmington Road. These seem to be very popular, especially the Persian ones, and they probably benefit  the nearby pubs and bars such as The Castlebar and Star and Anchor.

What we seem to lack is a strong ‘destination’ venue. Whether it be an entertainment venue with something on every night or a restaurant whose reputation attracts people from miles around.

This is just my personal view. What would make you want to come to West Ealing at night?






Something different as the Ealing Pop Up Shop comes to West Ealing

Ealing Pop Up Shop

I seem to be taking photos of a lot of shop fronts recently. Here’s another one.  This time it’s the shop next to the new Morrisons, near the corner with St James Ave, which will be a pop up shop for the next few months.  The plan is to offer the shop at low cost to a range of people or groups to sell their products for a trial period. A competition has been run and decisions will be made next week. I believe the first group to take it on will be the winners of a Dragon’s Den type event at the nearby Westside Youth Centre. They will be selling urban clothes.  Watch this blog for more news on this shop as we get it.

I think it’s a great idea to give local people and businesses a chance to try out their ideas at a low risk and bring something new and different to our high street.


Papa John’s take-away pizza to open in West Ealing

Papa John's

Papa John’s is soon to open where Fu On used to be up near the juncton with Eccleston Road.  Papa John’s looks to be an expanding chain acros the UK.  It will be at least the third take-away pizza place in West Ealing, so competition is getting tough. if you try it please come back and tell us what you think.

All very quiet as new hotel submits plans to increase it to 5 storeys

It’s been a little hard to keep track of the hotel plans but a new planning application has been submitted to increase it from 3 to 5 storeys and to 75 bedrooms. The hotel is planned to be a Holiday Inn Express. Local butcher Tony Luckhurst is still due to return to a groundfloor shop on his old site in Melbourne Avenue and the Betfred betting shop will still be on the ground floor at the front of the building.When Tony will be able to return looks to be an open question. What puzzles me is the stop/start nature of the building works.  I would have thought they would be cracking on with the work as quickly as possible but every now and then the site goes quiet and there’s no one to be seen. Maybe having to go back for permission to increase the size of the hotel is the reason for the delay but it would be good to see the work progressing on this important site.





Have you see Hamdi who has been missing since Monday?

Police in Ealing are appealing to the public to help find a girl who has been missing since Monday, 25 November.

Hamdi Abdulle, 16, went to a mosque in West Ealing with her family for prayers at 17:00hrs but left by herself at 19:00hrs and did not return home.

Hamdi was wearing a long black sarong, an army style print head scarf, a black leather jacket, a purple and burgundy hoody and white Nike Airforce trainers. She was wearing lipstick with a fake lip piercing. She is known to wear a red wig.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Missing Person Unit at Ealing on 101. Alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Will every penny count? 97p shop now open in West Ealing



With the strap line ‘every penny counts’ the 97p shop is now open.  What do you make of it? Do come back and let us know.

Update Monday 2nd December

Went in today and there’s some fresh pastries and bread plus some other food, DIY items along with quite a lot of household goods. It was pretty busy when I went in around lunchtime. Could be people having a look like me to see what’s on the shelves.

Six short plays at OPEN Ealing on Monday 25th November 7.30pm


Six plays for the price of one

OPEN Ealing’s next drama production gives the audience a chance to experience the creative process close up. Next Monday 25 November OPEN is putting on six short plays by local writers Wally Sewell and Liam O’Grady. 

The ten-minute plays will be presented as a “rehearsed reading,” meaning the cast will have had one rehearsal, on Monday afternoon.

Directed by Anthony Shrubsall, the plays are: ‘Poppy and the Clockwork Man’, ‘The Last Supper’ and ‘Caged’ by Liam O’Grady, and ‘Doctor I’m in Trouble’, ‘…and the Ecstasy’ and ‘Journeys End’ by Wally Sewell.   Fleur Shepherd, Joan Blackham and Peter Sarace are the players.

It all starts at 7.30pm at the OPENShop 13 Drayton Green Road, W13 0NG. Admission £5.