Please stop dumping rubbish in Melbourne Ave… again




Above: Flytipping on Thursday morning


Above: Flytipping on Saturday morning

Saturday morning and yet another dumped bed plus a microwave for company this time.


(Thursday morning: I couldn’t believe my eyes this morning when I saw a bed base and mattress dumped on the little patch of grass on the corner of Melbourne Ave and Leeland Terace.  Almost every single morning I see rubbish dumped here, mostly next to the Council bin. It’s normally cleared away very quickly as part of the regular bin emptying round but this was the final straw!  We had a pile of wooden shelves dumped there a week or so ago and now this bed.  I’ve reported it to the Council and I’m sure it will be cleared away very quickly.  My complaint is absolutely not with the Council. In my experience they are very good at clearing away fly tipping once it’s been reported.  My complaint is with whoever dumps this and just doesn’t care about our neighbourhood. Please stop dumping your rubbish and get the Council to collect it or take it to the Greenford recycling centre.)


150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 14

Welcome to Week 14 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here some samples of what we heard about last week:

And something to look ahead to:

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Host a bring and share meal or participate in one
  • Volunteer to give someone a lift
  • Say hello when you spot an acquaintance in a supermarket
  • Host a movie night
  • Exercise together or take walks with friends or family
  • Assist with or create your town or neighbourhood’s newsletter
  • Organise a litter pick – with games in Dean Gardens afterwards

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email –
Write on our Facebook wall –
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
Add a comment to this blog post (below)

Big Picnic in Dean Gardens on Sunday 1st June 12noon – 2pm – everyone welcome

Big Lunch 3

Big Picnic 2013


I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we manage to see some sunshine on Sunday for the second Big Picnic in Dean Gardens.  Last year we had good weather as you can see from the photo above – so here’s hoping we’re lucky again. As last year, it’s open to everyone and please bring along your lunch and just enjoy the day. It’s a chance to meet old friends, make new friends and just have an enjoyable time. There will be live music, information stalls and a variety of activities – more information to follow.

West Ealing swings to Labour

Looking at the four wards that cover most of West Ealing there has been a clear swing to Labour in the 2014 local election.  The most striking being Walpole which went from being all Conservative for the last two elections to now being all Labour. Northfields remains all Conservative whilst Elthorne which had one Labour, one Conservative and one Liberal Democrat is now all Labour. Lastly, Cleveland has gone from all Conservative to only one Conservative and two Labour. In all, Labour considerably increased its majority on the Council with the Conservatives falling by half from 24 to 12 councillors and the Liberal Democrats lost one councillor, Nigel Bakhai,  on the Elthorne ward.

You can find the full results for all the wards here -but the site is running rather slowly at the moment.

Pop-Up market in front of Sainsbury’s West Ealing today and Friday

There will be a pop-up market in Melbourne Ave by Sainsbury’s from 11am -4.30pm today and tomorrow (Thursday and Friday).  It’s backed by the newly established West Ealing Business Improvement District and is part of the ‘Love Your Local Market Campaign’.


Do please come along on one of the days and have a look. I know there’s a stall selling vintage inspired dresses and on Friday we will have our Abundance stall there selling the first of this year’s delicious elderflower cordial along with apple juice, lemon and elderflower marmalade and more locally sourced and made products.





Irish dancing, plant swaps and more

I’m always surprised just how much is happening in and around our neighbourhood. Here’s a couple of local activties and events that give just a hint of what’s going on locally:

Irish Dancing

The O’Sullivan School of Irish Dancing has places now available. Classes for children from 5yrs . Classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

All standards welcome, (Beginners to Champion)

Contact: Deirdre O’Sullivan, 07956 346383


Plant Swap at The Quaker House on Sunday 1st June 1-3pm

Lots and Lots of Plants in Pots

17, Woodville Road
W5 2SE

Sunday, June 1st 2014

Sow some–Grow some
Bring some,
Take some home.

150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 13

Welcome to Week 13 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. We had lots of stuff in for last week, though one of suggestions might have been ‘cut down’ before it could come to fruition!

Would anyone like to adopt a fish?

Harshini Passmore posted in Coldershaw Community

Harshini Passmore
Harshini Passmore 7:39pm May 13
Hi all, would anyone like to adopt our fish? They are black and orange fan tail goldfish in a bi-orb 30L tank with LED lighting system, air pump and fish food all included. We have a baby on the way and so are looking to find these guys a new home! Let me know if interested, thanks, Harshini
Some technical assistance from some friendly neighbours:

Adam Brown

Adam Brown 11:45am May 14
Gill – The mains plugs do work and are very good. Only for devices you can cable though of course. To be clear, the device that plugs into it will need a network socket and then network cable to connect the mains adapters network socket. They can be expensive – could be worth asking an electrician about the cost of running a hidden cable from point to point, or even getting an extension of eBay or Amazon. I did that in our house when the floor boards were up.


Ben DeVille
Ben DeVille 10:45am May 14
It sounds like wireless interference wasn’t the issue, sorry for sending you down a rabbit hole! I have tried 5GHz as well, it’s good, but you have to be sure that all your devices are compatible, for example, we found that the wireless infrared camera that we use as a video baby-monitor did not support it. I have one of these wireless extenders Gill Adams, because despite us only being in a 2 bedroomed flat, the wireless signal struggles to get as far as the bedroom. It’s very good, but it does have need restarting every 24 hours or so because it seems to lose the wireless and need the restart to grab it again. This is the one we have:
Adam Brown
Adam Brown 10:18am May 14
It does but even an iPad 2 will work like that in my experience
Gill Adams
Gill Adams 10:15am May 14
Adam Brown does the 5GHz option require all the receiving device/s to be able to receive 5GHz?
Adam Brown
Adam Brown 10:10am May 14
You can try to optimise the channel your router uses (advanced settings). I used some free software called inSSIDer office – it shows the channels your neighbours are using so you can choose the least busy space. That or if your router can do it – switch to 5GHz – that’s an option on the Virgin boxes, and the better ones you buy at PC world.
Diane Gill
Diane Gill 10:07am May 14
Hi all I did the test as Ben DeVille suggested and it was the same. I contacted Talk Talk and guess what there’s a fault from the exchange to my house. They have engineers working on it and are sending me text updated on progress. Cheers
Original Post
Diane Gill
Diane Gill 6:46am May 13
Hi all I’m with Talk Talk for my broadband and I’ve been having problems recently watching catch up TV on my iPad and computer. I tested the speed last night and it’s only just over 2mb or is that gig? Anyway it’s rubbish! I can’t upgrade to their fibre optic service as it’s not in my area. Who can recommend a better provider with higher speeds? I’ll need to have my phone and broadband together. Any recommendations gratefully received.
Some ‘flower power’ from locals:
Linda Pegg
Linda Pegg 3:02pm May 13
Hi Gill , Thank you , we are doing some projects in schools at the moment , The large scarecrow was for the RHS scarecrow competition that a local school took part in , she is constructed out of recycled materials 🙂 that the children worked on putting together :-). We are looking to work with community groups, and lots more schools .Linda
Gill Adams
Gill Adams 11:44am May 13
Oooh, Linda Pegg – your website looks good. What a brilliant, community-enhancing business (labour of love?). I imagine scarecrow making might catch on round here. I know when I’ve been to Dorset there’s often a scarecrow weekend and you find these mad effigies lurking around every corner and leaning on bus stops. Are you doing any projects locally?
Linda Pegg
Linda Pegg 9:45am May 10
Original Post

Linda Pegg

Linda Pegg 9:21am May 10
Hi everyone . Please have a look at our community food growing workshops on our website . Now is the time to get growing

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Call an old friend/relative
  • Offer to share your table for lunch
  • Accept or extend an invitation
  • Talk to your kids or parents about their day
  • Smile (in an unthreatening way!) at strangers
  • Log off and go to the park
  • Ask a new person to join your group for a dinner or an evening

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email –
Write on our Facebook wall –
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
Add a comment to this blog post (below)

150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 12

Welcome to Week 12 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are some of the things that we’ve been up to in West Ealing in the last week:

On Saturday, Ealing Council gave away 22 tonnes of compost for those of you with green fingers – did you grab some? From Ealing Today this week:

Get your hands dirty at Walpole Park

Spring has sprung and Ealing gardeners are being urged to get mucky on Saturday 10 May and takeaway some free compost.

There will be 22 tonnes of the stuff available as part of Ealing Council’s annual compost giveaway which is held at Walpole Park.

It starts at 10am and is part of ‘Compost Awareness Week’ which runs from 5 to 11 May. Residents are advised to get there early, use the Lammas Park Gardens entrance, and check local parking restrictions.

Compost is made from recycled food and garden waste collected from homes across west London. Residents are asked to come with their own bags, containers and shovels as the compost will be loose. There will be a restriction on the quantity that can be taken by each person – approximately 100 litres.

Staff from the council’s recycling team and the West London Waste Authority will also be on hand with information and advice on composting.

Keith Townsend, executive director of environment and customer services said: “Using compost in your garden is a fantastic way to give your plants the nutrients they need to flourish. Making your own compost  saves you money and is an easy and environmentally friendly way to dispose of food and garden waste.

If you’d like to start making your own compost there are reduced prices on compost bins for residents.”

Compost can be made at home using garden waste, as well as everyday waste items such as peelings, teabags, coffee grounds and filter paper and scrunched up newspaper and cardboard.

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Plant flowers at the base of street trees
  • Volunteer at the library
  • Form or join a running club
  • Return a lost wallet
  • Use public transport and start talking with those you regularly see
  • Ask neighbours for help, and reciprocate
  • Go to a local live music event

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email –
Write on our Facebook wall –
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
Add a comment to this blog post (below)

Launch of alternative rock guitar orchestra – Sat 24th May 2pm

An exciting new music project in Ealing. AN ALTERNATIVE ROCK GUITAR ORCHESTRA! With drums, bass and keyboards. DEVELOP YOUR GUITAR SKILLS AND GET EXPERIENCE PLAYING WITH SESSION MUSICIANS: Then perform and record what you’ve learnt. Playing various musical styles including: rock, blues, soul, well known tunes and original material.

Rehearse once a week for 10 weeks, then perform and record in the Ealing area. 

*Mandolin, harp,banjo, double bass, electric bass and uke players also welcome; as are any other instrumentalists. 

LAUNCH MEETING: Saturday 24th May. 2pm until 5PM

If you’re interested in finding out more about the guitar orchestra, there will be a meeting on Saturday 24th of May. Bring a guitar with you and join in with the music.  There will be a discussion and Q and A session about the summer season of rehearsals. Most importantly there will be a chance to make some music with other attendees/orchestra members and the orchestra leaders; Nev Hawkins and Richard Carter. If you’d like to attend, contact Nev Hawkins.

Rehearsals start on Saturday 31st of May, 2pm – 5pm. Then continue every Saturday until the 26th  July.

Performance date:  26th July.

Venue: Contact Nev Hawkins for venue details.

If you’d like to attend, contact Nev Hawkins for venue details and more info. 
tel: 07906 328 273/ 0208 621 3336

Recording session date: TBC

*for intermediate to advanced players. 

Membership Fees for summer season: £200