150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 16

Welcome to Week 16 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are a few things that we’ve seen in the last couple of weeks:



Tracy Vize – 8:18am Jun 16

Don’t forget the Hanwell Carnival is on next Saturday




Felicity Sandford
Felicity Sandford 8:05pm Jun 14
Dropped a pile of cards and a £10 in a cab on Thursday night- bank, credit, library, gift voucher, Tastecard etc. All have just been returned to me by the taxi driver who managed to track me down via LinkedIn! Technology is both spooky and splendid! – feeling lucky.


Daniel Raven-Ellison

Daniel Raven-Ellison 8:15pm Jun 14
I live near Blondin and am campaigning for London to become the world’s first National Park City, a new kind of national park.The campaign is building momentum and, if you like the idea, I would love to have your support. Please take a moment to sign our petition here:http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/let-s-make-london-the-world-s-first-national-park-city-glnpThis article on the Guardian website provides an overview of the idea.http://www.theguardian.com/local-government-network/2014/may/27/greater-london-national-park-city

Please do let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.


Gill Adams

Gill Adams 11:20am Jun 18
‘Shops you may never have tried in West Ealing’ – has anyone got any ‘secret’ shopping tips for users or potential users of what the Broadway has to offer? I need encouragement to move beyond Sainsbury’s…and I don’t just mean Lidl! Has anyone tried any of the many fresh fish shops for example and, if so, what do you recommend?


Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Cut back on screen-time
  • Help carry something heavy
  • Plan a reunion of family, friends, or those with whom you had a special connection
  • Find out what’s going on at your local library
  • Read the local news faithfully
  • Buy a BBQ and invite others over for a meal
  • Fix it even if you didn’t break it
  • Pick it up even if you didn’t drop it

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
Add a comment to this blog post (below)

Visit the WEN Abundance stall at the Hanwell Carnival this Saturday

Saturday is the longest day of the year so there’s plenty of time to come and visit our Abundance stall in the Artisan Food Tent at the Hanwell Carnival this Saturday from 12noon – 6pm.  We’ll have elderflower cordial, lemon and elderflower marmalade, and a selection of chutneys on sale.  All our produce is made from locally sourced ingredients and hand-made in small batches.

There’s loads more to enjoy at the carnival:

  • craft tent
  • dog show
  • children’s activities
  • live music
  • sports zone
  • animal zone …and much more

Full details here

Is West Ealing on the edge of change?

I wrote this short piece for our June newsletter:

‘One sure sign of regeneration?
Walking along Northfield Avenue the other day it struck me that a sure sign of an area changing is when estate agents come in to or leave a high street. Northfield Ave has loads of estate agents with new ones moving in regularly. Will a sign that West Ealing is on the up be when a new estate agent opens on the high street? Anyone willing to say when this will happen in West Ealing?’

Crossrail is already having a significant effect on house prices. You’ve only to look at the estate agents’ adverts in the Ealing Gazette to see the regular mention of Crossrail. Then someone recently said to me ‘we’re being gentrified’ referring to the nearly refurbished Grosvenor pub (which I like).  Change is a slow process but it’s happening in West Ealing.

What are the other signs of regeneration – an artisan baker, new restaurants, improved schools, more affordable housing?  I’m curious what others think or whether I’m imagining change is in the air.

Then I read an article in yesterday’s Sunday Times ( 15th June) about spotting the signs of gentrification.  Apparently, if there’s already a Waitrose and Carluccio’s you’re being gentrified. The signs it’s starting to happen include:

1. ‘When the local boozer suddenly gets rebranded as a gastropub’

2. Cupcake stands

3. Organic food outlets

4. Shops billed as ethical or sustainable open up

5. Companies that trade on being cool or hitting a zeitgeist

6. Charity shops moving out to make way for higher-value occupiers

7. Solicitors and accountants noving from the ground floor to the upper floors as rents rise

I can think of two such signs in West Ealing recently. The tired old boozer The Grosvenor being bought up and refurbished and offering decent food. The Warren Evans ‘green’ bed and furniture store opening in the last space on the ground floor of the old Daniels site.  What next?


Have your say on where to site the new West Ealing Crossrail station


WECNF Station Options JUNE 2014

Crossrail is likely to help transform West Ealing for decades to come. One key decision yet to be taken is where on Manor Road to site the new station. If this matters to you then you can hear the arguments and have your say at the West Ealing Centre Neighbourhood Forum meeting at the Drayton Court Hotel on 17th June at 7.30pm. WECNF wants to hear from as many people as possible to help decide on its recommendations to Crossrail for siting the new station.
Three main possibilities have been discussed as to where on Manor Road the station could go:
1. Near to the junction of Manor Road and Drayton Green Road.
• Most important and visible location
• Least impact on Manor Road and the Draytons
• Difficulty in providing drop-off/pick-up area
• May cause increased traffic congestion
• Loss of existing businesses on site
• Difficulty in providing step free access

2. 150 metres along Manor Road with pedestrian bridge to Waitrose car park
• Facilitates drop-off/pick-up area in Manor Road
• Access to Broadway via Green Man Lane Passage
• Height difference between platform and station
• Retail/residential opportunities in Manor Road
• Increased impact on Manor Road and the Draytons
• Disadvantages shops in The Avenue
• Requires changes to Waitrose car park
3. At western end of Manor Road with access to Jacob’s Ladder footbridge
• Minimal impact on existing businesses
• Facilitates drop-off/pick-up area in Manor Road
• Supports major refurbishment of Jacob’s Ladder
• Good pedestrian access to Broadway shops
• Retail/residential opportunities in Manor Road
• Poor access to existing bus routes
• Least prominent and visible location
• Increased impact on Manor Road and the Draytons
• Disadvantages shops in The Avenue
You can contact WECNF via their website www,wecnf.org

150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 15

Welcome to Week 15 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are a few things that we’ve seen in the last two weeks, including the Big Lunch in Dean Gardens, great examples of local history, and a lovely story about local bees:

Simon RobertsSimon Roberts – 5:10pm May 29

As some of us have been doing local history stuff on other threads I thought I would upload this photo that my father took. I’m guessing about 1960 in the South Ealing rd

If anyone is interested, I did a little research/hunt yesterday and found the sites of the underground WW2 air raid shelters in Lammas, Walpole and Dean Gardens parks. They’re still there, just buried.


Leila Molaei – 11:23am May 27
Gurnell Leisure Centre will be having a ‘Meet the Manager’ session at the centre, on 24 June at 5pm. If you’re a Gurnell member, I urge you to attend. I ceased my membership because I became fed up with my feedback not being responded to. http://www.ealingtoday.co.uk/default.asp?section=info&page=eagurnell001.htm

Brian Mitchison and Stan Miller from Ealing Bees Association rescued a homeless swarm of bees trying to settle in a large tree in Hastings Road. As an inhabitant of that road I was grateful they came and cleverly captured them.   Using a large plastic container, a long pole with another one firmly fixed to it, they managed to tip huge swirling masses of bees into the container and then transfer them into a hive.  The bees were then sprayed with sugar water for hydration and food.  Stan and Brian had to capture the Queen.  If they captured her then the others would follow, but she was difficult to find in the midst of the thousands.  Finally it seemed it was done with huge numbers scrambling to enter the hive where she now found herself.  Any that were left, we were assured, would quickly return to the hive from which they came.   Apparently this is a good year for bees with new Queens flying out of hives taking large numbers of bees with them.  Good news for us.  According Stan, in China they are reduced to pollinating by hand, as all the bees have been destroyed.  Neighbours gathered and watched enjoying the sun and momentary excitement.

And from this very blog:

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Join an oral history project – as history collector, or history giver
  • Join a book club
  • Volunteer to deliver Meals-on-Wheels in your neighbourhood
  • Start a children’s story hour at your local library
  • Be real. Be humble.
  • Tell friends and family about social capital and why it matters
  • Get involved in neighbourhood planning

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
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Prize-winning crime writer talks about her experiences of Southall – Weds 18th June 6.30 @ Paperback Coffee

Step inside...

Paperback Coffee is a fairly new coffee shop on the South Ealing Rd close to the junction with Popes Lane. It’s well worth a visit in its own right but on Wednesday 18th June they have award-winning crime writer Lilian Pizzichini talking about her experiences of Southall as recounted in her memoir Music Night at the Apollo.

Wednesday 18th June 6.30-8pm


Wildly original and imaginative and disturbing, it remains in one’s consciousness like a very vivid dream. The evocation of place is brilliant and also of sensation” –  Francis Wyndham – See more at: http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/music-night-at-the-apollo-9781408815991/#sthash.q2SEiWha.dpuf
Wildly original and imaginative and disturbing, it remains in one’s consciousness like a very vivid dream. The evocation of place is brilliant and also of sensation” –  Francis Wyndham – See more at: http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/music-night-at-the-apollo-9781408815991/#sthash.q2SEiWha.dpuf
Wildly original and imaginative and disturbing, it remains in one’s consciousness like a very vivid dream. The evocation of place is brilliant and also of sensation” –  Francis Wyndham – See more at: http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/music-night-at-the-apollo-9781408815991/#sthash.q2SEiWha.dpuf

Tea Darling to open vintage style cafe at Horsenden Farm on Saturday 14th June 12-3pm

Tea pop up

Tea Darling at the West Ealing Pop-Up shop

Tea Darling, the vintage style tea room, was a huge success when it opened for a two week stint at the pop-up shop in West Ealing. It has now linked up with Accession, the  social enterprise, which runs the Community Shop in West Ealing, to open a cafe at Horsenden Farm in Perivale. During the day the farmhouse/vintage style cafe will offer a quintessential tea and home-made cake service in a child friendly environment. In the early evening it will be a space that local community groups/parents can hire for just about anything.

The launch of this exciting new step for Tea Darling is on Saturday 1th June from 12noon – 3pm.  The nearest tranport is either the tube at Perivale Station or the 297 bus. Free parking is available.

Accession is a social enterprise which offers skills training and volunteering opportunities for people with learning difficulties and/or enduring mental health issues.

Tea Darling at Horsende Hill 001