St John’s Primary School gets ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted

I remember being told that for an area to thrive it needs good schools.  A few weeks ago I drove past St John’s Primary School in Felix Road and a banner caught my eye.  The banner proudly declared the school had a ‘good’ rating from its recent Ofsted report. So, I thought I’d ask the school about it and here is their reply:

‘Staff and pupils at St John’s Primary are celebrating a very positive report by Ofsted following an Inspection on the 1st and 2nd of July 2014. The school was inspected under Ofsted’s more rigorous framework for inspections during the two days, where the inspectors observed lessons, interviewed staff, governors, children and parents. The school secured a judgement of “Good” in all four categories including achievement, teaching and learning, leadership and management and behaviour and safety. “We are proud our Ofsted Report which recognises sustained improvements and has judged it to be good in all areas.” said Head Teacher, Marilyn Borlase.’
Highlights in the report include the comments that:
‘Behaviour is good and this is greatly valued by the pupils and their parents. Pupils say that they always feel safe in school’

‘Teaching is good. Teachers use information about pupils’ progress to plan work which challenges them well’

‘The school is a happy and lively community’

‘Teachers manage their classes well and very good use is made of additional adults to help all pupils do their best work’

Ofsted 2014

Congratulations to Marilyn Borlase, all her teachers and team at St John’s.

In case you want to check on the Ofsted rating for any other local school you can start here and follow the links to the particular school you want.

Out of interest I checked other local primary schools and all had ‘good’ ratings from their last Ofsted report  – Drayton Green, Fielding and Oaklands. Also,  Elthorne Park High School, on the back of its recent GCSE results, is the most improved high school in Ealing over the past two years. Congratulations to them too.

Green Man Lane Estate – exhibition of plans for next phase with new school

The regeneration of the Green Man Lane Estate is one of the most important developments in West Ealing for a generation.  Here’s your chance to see plans for the next phase which will deliver 92 new homes, a new school for St John’s and new community facilities.


GML exhibition


Date: Tuesday 21 October 2014

Time: 3.30-7.30pm

Venue: Jubilee Hall, Green Man Gardens, W13 0SE

Purpose: To show visitors how the St John’s Primary School site will be developed to deliver 92 new homes, a replacement school and replacement community facilities including a Multi-Use Games Area. Representatives from Rydon, A2Dominion and Conran & Partners will be on hand to discuss the proposals.

Two great evenings out in Ealing coming very soon

Viv Dubois

Vivian Dubois and Tom Collins are a dramatic cabaret act like no other. Using song, story and playful anecdote Viv and Tom will guide you through the different worlds they inhabit. One minute you may be in occupied France, serenaded by Edith Piaf, the next, in a dimly lit bar in downtown New Orleans, soaking up the sounds of Fats Domino or Louis Armstrong. Originating at Shaker & Company’s monthly immersive theatrical event ‘Vaudeville Emporium’ in Euston, the vaudevillians will introduce and support the main guest act each evening.

This week’s opening show is FREE and starts at 7.30pm

OPEN Ealing is now at the Green Man Lane Cafe in Singapore Road W13 0EP ( just behind British Home Stores)

Full details here


Written and performed by Andrew Bain (tenor) with Lyndall Dawson (piano).  This is part of the Ealing Autumn Festival.

The life of the sensational 1950s opera singer and movie star, Mario Lanza, charted in the famous arias he sang and in the spoken word. In a hospital room in Rome, his life flashes before him. He is tended by his nurse who comes to embody all the women in his life.

The drama examines the nature of fame and asks why a man, who seemingly has the world at his feet, spirals out of control.

Written and performed by Andrew Bain (tenor) with Lyndall Dawson (piano), directed by Anthony Shrubsall.

Venue:  St Mary’s Church, Perival Lane, Perival UB6 8SS

Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th October 7.30pm

Tickets £12  and concessions £8.

Full details here

New plans for old Henry Paul funeral office site in Uxbridge Road



At last something is happening on this site!  In 2010 plans to build a new block of flats on the site of the old Henry Paul funneral directors on the corner of the Uxbridge Road and Shirley Gardens were met with fierce local opposition and then rejected by the Council.  The owners of this site are the housing association A2 Dominion and they have put in a new application which sounds as if they have listened to the local opposition.  The new plans include:

  • Demolition of the derelict building and building three terraced buildings which replicate the size and design of the other terraced buildings in this row
  • Demolition of the old undertaker’s garage at the rear and building a two-storey building

The overall development is for 10 flats with a mixture of one and two bedroom properties with six car parking spaces at the front of the site – replicating the style of the rest of the houses in the row. It all sounds good but needs careful checking.

The planning application can be found on Ealing Council’s website



Bertolt Brecht meets Charles Laughton: New play at the Drayton Court next week


This new play looks intriguing so I’ve already booked my ticket for the opening night:

‘In collaboration with OPEN, the Ealing Autumn Festival will present Orbits, a play written by local writer Wally Sewell. The Festival’s theme this year is ‘Stars in the Family,’ commemorating the 450th anniversary of Galileo’s birth.

In 1941, fleeing from the Nazis, radical left-wing German playwright, Bertolt Brecht, found himself in Hollywood where he met the British movie star Charles Laughton. Orbits imagines their working relationship as they collaborated for three intense, creative years on the translation of Das Leben des Galilei (The Life of Galileo) for its American premiere.

The premiere was directed by Joseph Losey with Laughton playing Galileo.  It took place in 1947 against a background of the bombing of Hiroshima and increasing anti-communist paranoia.

There will be Open discussion after each performance with playwright, Wally Sewell, and director, Anthony Shrubsall of OPEN Ealing.

The play will be performed by Peter Saracen and Edmund Dehn, and directed by Ealing’s own Anthony Shrubsall.

It’s approximately 90 minutes long, with a 20-minute interval, and there will be a post-show discussion with the writer, director and actors.

It’s happening at the Drayton Court pub, on the Avenue, W13, Tuesday 14th-Friday 17th October inclusive.’
Suitable for ages 12+.

More, including booking details and performance schedule, can be found here.!orbits-play/c24yv

New vintage market at the Fox in Hanwell on Sat 18th Oct 2-5pm

Displaying the-fox.jpg
A bit like the proverbial London buses, you wait for ages for a vintage market then two come along at once!  No sooner has the Avenue Vintage and Antique Market been launched that The Fox pub in Hanwell launches its first ever vintage market –  Green Lane, Hanwell on 18th October 2-5pm.
‘Specially selected stalls selling vintage fabrics, vintage/retro homewares, vintage children’s books, handbags and lots more.
We will also have some wonderful handmade cakes and tea (champagne too).’

Squeezed with a social conscience: New juice bar coming to West Ealing


Well, not quite new because Juice Cube had a very succssful trial run in the Ealing Pop Up Shop earlier this year – so welcome back.

Juice Cube is a socially conscious business that makes fresh smoothies and juices from surplus foods – right in front of you, while you wait. It was founded two students, Anuj Dhanak and Qitai Ooi, in summer 2013 and they were given their first opportunity to test trade in a real world retail environment this February in the EalingPopUpShop, an initiative funded by West Ealing Project Steering Group. Following their success and experience in the pop up shop, they saw West Ealing as the ideal location to set up their first juice bar and secured the long-term of lease of 191 Uxbridge Rd, West Ealing – a retail unit opposite Tesco/Daniel’s bed shop that has been vacant for a number of years.

Juice Cube launches on Saturday 11th October and will be open 7 days a week.

First Avenue Vintage and Antique Market a great success


Dramatic black gazebos lined the pavement in The Avenue for the launch of this new monthly antique and vintage market. The newly-established West Ealing Business Improvement District is behind this initiative and is part of its efforts to attract more shoppers to West Ealing. The market looked pretty busy mid-afternoon when I was there.

Market Manager Barry Tuffnell said: “The Avenue” in West Ealing saw the first Vintage and Antique Market launch in style on Saturday 27 September. The feedback from both dealers and market go-ers was incredibly positive. The aim is to build on the numbers of stalls each month – so there is definitely a reason to return month on month and see what you can pick up. The next dates are Saturday 25 October and Saturday 29 November, with a special Christmas fair on Saturday 13 December.

For further information: Twitter @Westealingbid. Facebook: The Avenue and Antique Market or email [Market manager: Barrie Tuffnell 07976704366].