Photo of Jimi Hendrix from Marshall Amplifiers website
British rock music owes much to Jim Marshall and his amplifier shop in Hanwell. Dubbed ‘the father of loud’ he came up with an amplifier that combined volume and distortion. Marshall amplifiers were used by all manner of 60s rock guitarists from Pete Townsend, Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page to Ritchie Blackmore, Eric Clapton and many, many more. Make a date to watch Jim Marshall’s story ‘Play it Loud – The Story of The Marshall Amp’on BBC4 this Friday at 10pm. Have a look at Marshall’s website for more about their history.
The hugely successful Hanwell Hootie is now an annual celebration of Hanwell’s proud contribution to British rock music and it’s sponsored by Marshall Amplifiers.
The need to make hefty cuts in Council expendture has been flagged up for some time. The Council needs to save £96 million by April 2019 as a result of reduced central government funding. This will affect every single one of us from fortnightly waste collections and reduced road gritting to possibly closing the Solace mental health drop-in centre in West Ealing and 400 redundancies amongst Council staff.
We’ll come back to this in more detail but for now the Ealing Today website has a useful summary of some of the cuts that may be made.
Almost your last chance this year to by our Abundance produce. We have a stall at the Hanwell Winter Fair selling apple juice, elderflower cordial, marmalade and more.
The fair is from 2-6pm by the Hanwell Clocktower this Sunday.
Performance poet Zena Edwards returns to OPEN Ealing this coming Saturday (22nd November) to present another beguiling evening of words, movement and music.
Hailing from Tottenham in north London, Zena delves into her Afro-Caribbean heritage to find inspiration for her poems and stories. And she enhances them in performance with traditional African intruments, such as the kalimba and the kora, plus backing musicians.
It’s a powerful, dynamic and entrancing combination. Zena made a big impression on OPEN audiences a couple of years back with her monologue The Three Furies, which reached into Greek mythology to provide a focus for women’s anger in the 12st century. She also performed parts of that show at London’s Royal Festival Hall where she shared a stage with South African trumpeter Hugh Masakela.
She was recently Resident Poet at the Poetry Cafe in Covent Garden, and shortlisted for the first Arts Foundation Award for Performance Poetry. .
Read what others have said:
“Effortlessly melds hip-hop grooves with a worldly Afro-centric wisdom” – Time Out.
“A poet of consummate skill, whose career as an artist is going from strength to strength” – The Guardian.
Here’s just one video example of her work:
This will be the second of a series of appearances by Zena at OPEN, which form part of the autumn season of Performance Saturdays.
Date: Saturday 22nd November 2014
Time: 7.30-10pm
Where: Green Man Lane cafe, Singapore Road, West Ealing W13 0EP
Admission: £10 / concessions £8 / Green Man Lane estate residents £5, includes free glass of wine. Caribbean/Mauritian food available on the night from Coco Labelle.
Follow @Openealing on Twitter, OPEN (West Ealing Arts) on Facebook.
‘Re-imagining Ealing’s Future’: Sunday 16th November 7.30pm
Ealing Transition invites you to a participatory Open Space event which will explore the future we would like to create together for ourselves in Ealing. The emphasis is on the practical and the possible, rather than on the things we can’t easily influence, like macro-economic policy.
We will start by showing a short (15 min) TED talk by Nic Marks, which proposes a future based on human happiness, wellbeing and sustainable resource use rather than on productivity or Gross National Product. We will then create an Open Space in which your ideas and contributions can be explored.
If you have ideas about doing something in your local community which could make a positive difference and strengthen our connection to each other, and believe in the power of ‘just doing stuff’ please come and contribute.
The event starts at 7.30pm and takes place in the Polygon, St Mary’s Church, St Mary’s Road Ealing W5 5RH. Entry is free however as usual we will ask for a small donation to help us cover costs. It should be a lively event!
‘Yep, we’re all set for another great community Christmas Night Market with a wonderful evening of fabulous shopping, eating and local entertainment (Yes our lovely Jazz band will be with us).
Once again we will be bringing amazing local businesses together; providing gift inspiration, hand-crafted pressies, wonderful food and the great Northfields community atmosphere.
We are very lucky that the wonderful Kingsdown Methodist Church has an all weather hall & arena, so not even the rain & snow can stop us. ‘
As an allotment holder on the Northfields site I have an interest in this. The Northfields allotments are now self-managed – by the Ealing Dean Allotment Society (EDAS) – and it needs support to get a grant to make a little hidden gem of green space called Radbourne Walk even better! Radbourne Walk is the name now given to the footpath that runs along the back of the allotments parallel to Northfield Ave. If you’ve walked down it in the past 12 months or so I hope you’ll have noticed some changes with weeds cleared, poppies and other wildflowers giving a splash of colour in spring and summer. This work was all done by volunteers and organised by EDAS. It now wants to make Radbourne Walk even better by putting in a new surface to replace the current rutted, muddy one and installing low-level solar lighting. They also want to plant new trees and fill in the gaps on the hedge with native species such as hawthorn, buckthorn, spindle, hazel and elder plus dogwood, dog rose and more which are ideal for wildlife.
EDAS wants to apply for a grant from the Council’s share of the Capital Clean Up Fund. Your help is needed for them to have a chance of success getting a grant. All you need to do is visit their website and leave a mesage of support. The more support they get the more likely they are to get a grant. Here’s just one message of support so far:
‘Many families use this as their ‘country walk’ at the weekends. I think this work would definitely raise the standard of this forgotten footpath, for everyone’
You can find out much more about Radbourne Walk here.
‘The Northfields Jumble Trail now has 56 stalls! Amazing! You still have 5 days to register and get rid of all that jumble you’ve been meaning to clear out, or check out the stall’s descriptions and see what bargains you’re going to pick up. It’s on this Saturday 1st November 10am – 3pm, the weather forecast is 16 degrees and dry and I think it just might be great.’
Most of you would have heard by now that Ealing Hospital Maternity Unit is under threat of closure. To find out more over a cuppa whilst your little ones are fed and entertained come along to the Teddy Bears’ Party on Saturday 25th October from 2pm – 5pm at St James Church, West Ealing (behind Sainsbury’s)
Free Diabetes Health Check
On Tuesday 21st October at Lido Centre
Mattock Lane, West Ealing, W13 9LA
We have a team of friendly staff and volunteers who will be happy to support you and meet your individual needs. This is a free service
delivered by Silver Star diabetes and is open to the community.
Are you at risk of diabetes?
Diabetes is a long-term condition that causes a person’s blood sugar level to become too high. In the UK, about 90% of all adults with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.
Why get tested?
Diabetes is a common life-long health condition. There are 3.2 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK and an estimated 630,000 people who have the condition, but don’t know it.
For More information on Diabetes visit:
Or Lido future Health Events T: 020 8280 2222