The petition objecting to the proposed plans for the Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTN) has reached over 3,400 signatures. The LTN for the West Ealing area (map above) south from The Broadway to Blondin Park and west from Northfield Ave to Boston Road is due to be implemented mid-August. Some residents will be in favour of this LTN and others will be opposed. if you are concerned about this LTN then the statement below is from the petition and explains the reasons for objecting:
‘As local residents, we object to the proposed plans for the local Ealing LTNs. We intend to unite to oppose these plans and demand an opportunity to be consulted so that the final plans benefit all residents. Whilst we support the overarching objective of reducing traffic & improving the environment, we don’t believe this proposal is fit for purpose.
The essence of our objection is
The closure of local
Distributor Roads will divert traffic onto narrower, quieter residential
roads. This will add traffic onto these minor roads, reduce air quality
and add dangers to residents and their children going about their lives.
The proposals have not been
officially published for consultation and therefore the residents have not
been afforded the chance to consider the matter. We deem this to be
undemocratic, non-transparent, and a failure of the Council to serve the
community responsibly.
We believe this lack of
transparency has created much fear and anger in people.
We require the
council to share with us the following:
*Objectives to the scheme
*Timelines of the overarching plan
*Maps of all proposed impacted
*Evidence based Data on traffic
in roads in question.
*Impact assessments & Risk
assessments which should include statements & assessments from London Fire
services, emergency services & St John’s Ambulance
*Success criteria &
measurements pre & post trials
*Consultation period
dates & timings
Many proposed plans for the
area we consider to be totally impractical and contravene the LTN objectives.
Should the proposed plan be submitted and accepted in its current form, much of
the traffic will struggle to flow bi-directionally, as many of the routes are
too narrow. This is likely to create significant congestion which will increase
engine idling and increase fuel consumption, thereby delivering a negative
impact on the quality of air.
We are also concerned that
congestion/road blockages may cause problems for emergency service access. We
have many elderly, vulnerable residents in poor health, with an increased
dependency on emergency and medical services during this COVID 19 pandemic,
when timely interventions can be critical. We believe this plan to be
completely ageist & discriminatory against at least 20% of Ealing’s
residents. Along with our concerns for the emergency services (fire
& ambulance), we worry the impact this scheme will have on our public
services and the access they require weekly to conduct their duties. The
current scheme makes no provision for an alternate route for traffic to enter
or leave the area. Thus, at least every week, when said public service vehicles
perform their duties, all impacted residences will be placed in gridlock with
little or no vehicular access.
We also object to the plan
to implement this without proper consultation. We have been informed that
there will not be a consultation period before this trial starts, but a review
conducted post trial. This is totally undemocratic and will cause 6
months of stress and chaos for a huge proportion of residents at a time
(Covid-19) when many are already suffering hugely. We do not accept that it is
democratic for consultations to start only after the scheme/trial has
been implemented. We believe that you are abusing emergency measures
which were intended to solve far greater problems than local ‘rat-runs’.
In summary, whilst we support the overall objective to reduce traffic and improve our environment, we demand an opportunity to have all plans for the area (8 LTNs) shared with us and resident’s agreements sought, prior to implementation.’