The West Ealing North LTN which covers the area north from The Broadway to the railway line and west from Drayton Green Rd to Eccleston Rd is due to be implemented very soon. One of its key features will be the westbound only route for vehicles through from Drayton Green Rd to Eccleston Rd and on to The Broadway to go westwards to Hanwell.
Plans for 26-storey tower for redevelopment of Perceval House site
The long-awaited planning application for the redevelopment of Perceval House on Ealing Council’s own land has been submitted. In brief, the application details plans for 477 flats, the Council’s new and smaller headquarters along with a new library and office space.
The development will accommodate seven new buildings including a 26-storey tower. It looks as if this development will take the same approach as Dickens Yard and put the taller buildings at the back (north) of the site near the railway line.
The above image, taken from the application, shows the planned development from the Uxbridge Road.
Concerns about the number of tall towers already built, being built and planned to be built in the borough were looked at in a special film made by Red Block Rebels back in May of this year. The planned 26-storey tower for the Perceval House site is featured in this film though some of the other details may now have changed slightly.
71% strongly oppose West Ealing South Low Traffic Neighbourhood
71% of W13, W7 and W5 residents who responded to West Ealing Neighbours’ online survey ‘strongly oppose’ the West Ealing South Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN 21)
West Ealing Neighbours (WEN) carried out this online survey between 25 August and 6 September 2020.
There were 921 responses. There was a high response rate from the West Ealing ‘Australian’ roads namely Adelaide, St Kilda and Sydney Roads.
13% of respondents are ‘strongly in favour’.
92% of respondents are car owners and 64% are bike owners.
25% did not know about the LTN.
People who reported to not owning a car are equally strongly in favour or against (38% vs 37% of the total ‘No’ to the car question).
People who reported not owning a bike are slightly more against the LTN than people with a bike (77% vs 69%).
Our thanks to everyone who took part in this survey. We will run our second survey in November and the final survey in February as the six-month consultation period comes to an end.
Screening of documentary on air pollution controversy at Southall Waterside development – Tuesday 8th Sept 7.30pm
Southall Waterside is an 88 acre redevelopment on part of the old Southall Gasworks site. It has proved controversial almost from the word go with many local residents campaigning about the air pollution caused by the work to clean the soil.
The group Clean Air for Southall and Hayes are hosting an online screening of the Guardian made documentary about this controversy – ‘Is My Neighbourhood Poisoning Me?’ It is showing on Tuesday 8th September 7.30pm – 8.30pm and details are here.
Finding your way round the West Ealing LTN and more
Bollards have been removed and planters overturned but loathe it or love it the West Ealing Low Traffic Neighbourhood south of The Broadway is here – at least for the next six months.
The local online tv channel Exposure Box has produced two videos about LTNs. One with the arguments for and one with arguments against.
One question we have been asked is how to find your way round the LTN. This map may help. It was posted on our Facebook page by Street Parks for Ealing . This is a new group, set up in the wake of Covid, which supports the idea of trying to retain the quietness of streets experienced during lockdown. The map may help people work out how to access local roads, not least delivery drivers who are not familiar with the area.
Keeping a record of problems with the LTN 21 – West Ealing LTN
The Action Group which has been formed to coordinate activities relating specifically to this LTN (ie the area bounded by Uxbridge Road, Northfield Ave, Boston Road, Swyncombe Ave) have suggested it would be useful to compile an incident log.
This could be difficulties, delivery problems, log jams, collisions, accidents (sadly), dangerous situations, emergencies etc. Please give dates, times and exact locations if possible – photos would be great.
The group is hoping to set up a dedicated email mail box but until then please email
Save Hanwell’s Arts & Crafts house
We have received this information about the possible loss of a 1912 Arts & Crafts house in Church Road, Hanwell.
SAVE 178
Dear Neighbours
You may not be aware that a 1912 Arts & Crafts house at 178 Church Road, Hanwell W7 3BP is at risk of demolition to build six flats and two houses. This loss and over development will have lasting impacts.
If we fail to protect our conservation area, it will be devalued and a worrying precedent will be set for similar schemes. Thanks to the fantastic efforts of local people and a proactive community campaign, we had an amazing 163 responses to the developer’s planning application. These include the Ealing Civic Society, the Victorian Society, Hanwell Community Forum, conservation area resident associations, the Brent River & Canal Society, Hanwell and Canals Conservation Areas Advisory Panel and the Selborne Society. The many objections and quality feedback have caused the developers to re-think their proposal.
An amended application has now been submitted and we would really appreciate your help to object.
If we can raise a similar number of responses, there is the possibility that the proposal may be referred to the Planning Committee for a decision. This will give us an opportunity to save 178 Church Road from demolition and to prevent over development and backland housing. We also have support from Ward Councillors and James Murray, MP for Ealing North, has lodged his own objection.
The proposal remains to build six flats and two semi-detached houses on a very long, narrow plot. Their overbearing mass, inappropriate scale and loss of 26 mature trees/greenery will result in 80% of the land comprising bricks and mortar. The pandemic has taught us that having a neighbourly community which looks out for each other, retains its green spaces, celebrates and protects its heritage is vital for our wellbeing and that of future generations.
Please go to: https:/// and search for 201141FUL. You will land on the Planning Application Summary page, where you can object or leave comments in the ‘Comments’ tab, and view the plans and proposals in the ‘Documents’ tab. Points relating to local and national planning policy eg Ealing’s Plan, London Plan and NPPF are particularly helpful. Letters emailed to the case officer are also effective but ask for objections to be uploaded on the documents section.
Please share this information with family, friends and colleagues, and ask them if they are prepared to object to the proposed development. The deadline for any comments/objections to be received is Wednesday 16 September 2020.
If you would like to be kept informed of the outcome and further developments or to receive more details and a digital copy of this leaflet, please email This will save paper and will allow us to quickly cascade information. We will ensure that any communications comply with GDPR and data protection consents through an opt in return email. My mobile for any queries is Tel 07740 545685.
In the meantime, please feel free to contact any of the following:
- Jeanette Grose (3 Madge Hill) | Tel. 07740 545685 | email:
- Dominique Morgan (115 Church Rd) | Tel. 07831 117294 | email:
- Louise Wassell (180 Church Rd) | Tel. 07941 387634 | email:
Thank you – your help is really appreciated!
Yes or no to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods? Complete our poll
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) are coming to West Ealing starting this week. West Ealing Neighbours will be running three polls across the six-month trial implementation period to gauge residents’ views and whether views change over time.
Our first poll is here and will stay open until Sunday 6th September. Once all three polls have been completed we will use the results as part of our submission to the Council about the Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in West Ealing.
Latest plans for Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in West Ealing
With over 4,000 signatures on the online petition to stop the introduction of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) in the borough, this is a controversial issue.
The arguments against the LTNs are laid out alongside the online petition and on the Exposure Box video.
On the Council’s side an update has been issued on the Live West Ealing website which gives more detail on the thinking behind the LTNs south and north of The Broadway. The update gives some information about how to comment on the schemes once introduced.
Give your views on plans for 53 new homes in Dean Gardens car park
The end of August is the deadline to complete the survey, or give your comments about, the Council’s plans for 53 new homes in the Dean Gardens/Maitland Yard car parks.
There were two online Q&A sessions on 5th Augsut which contain some useful information about the plans. These should be available to view on the special website for these plans in a few days. Some key points:
There will be three blocks of flats moving from 4-storeys by the Salvation Army building to 8-storeys at the corner of Leeland Terrace and The Broadway
The homes will be built to passive standards to minimise their carbon footprint.
The homes will be mostly 1 and 2 bedroom. On the Q&A session there was a question about whether 1 and 2 bedroom were the right sort of properties to tackle the housing waiting list. The answer was that it is difficult to address local housing needs on such a small site.
There will be a mixture of homes for private sale and to rent at London Affordable Rent rates
The two pedestrian routes through from The Broadway will be retained and the lighting improved to make these routes safer and more attractive
There will be an overall loss of about 20 parking spaces across the three car parks – Maitland Yard, Dean Gardens and Leeland Terrace – leaving some 36 spaces.
The Farmers’ Market stallholders will still be able to park on Saturdays for the weekly market
There will be a public seating area roughly where part of the Leeland Terrace car park is now
There was a question about the importance of tackling the anti-social behaviour that plagues this area, especially Maitland Yard. The architects were aware of this problem but clearly need to talk to the police and Council anti-social behavior team to fully understand the problem and how their design needs to deal with this. This needs stressing as the residents of Leeland mansions and Pioneer Court have had to put up with years of anti-social behaviour – drug dealing, drug taking, street drinkers and so on.
Protests grow against Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
Sunday saw a number of street meetings and protests against the Council’s planned series of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (see story below for full details of the plans). The LTNs will be operational by early September with a six-month review period. It seems certain the Council will go-ahead with these LTNs despite the protests.
Once these LTNs are in place residents who still wish to object will be able to give their views to the Council during the consultation. The Council is due to write to all residents in the LTN areas explaining the reasons why the LTNs are being brought in and how to make their comments. We will follow up about the consultation once details are available but one obvious step is to notes and photographs any problems that result from the LTNs to send as evidence for the consultation.
Wednesday 5th August: The LTN south of The Broadway is due to be installed on 24th August.
Photo: Gill Shaw