Your chance to say how you’d like to see Central Ealing develop

As with West Ealing, Central Ealing has a neighbourhood forum. The Central Ealing Neighbourhood Forum is working on a plan for the centre of Ealing Broadway. They want to hear from as many people as possible about the issues and options that could be covered in their plan for the area. To help them with their planning they have put a survey online   Please do take a few minutes to complete it and give your views on the issues and options.  There’s a bit of background to the Forum and its work below:

‘The Central Ealing Neighbourhood Forum was set up in 2012 to give local people and businesses a voice in changing our town for the better. It brings together residents, community groups, businesses and other key stakeholders, aiming to make Ealing a vital, thriving and sustainable centre. Under the Localism Act, the Forum has the power to create a local plan. This means that all of us can have a greater say in how our area should change and develop over time, whether we live, work, shop or study here. It can affect where shops, offices, housing and community facilities should be, and how they should look and feel. A neighbourhood plan is mainly about how land should be used and developed. Its policies can influence decisions on future planning applications. But in putting it together, the Forum can also stimulate projects which help to build a stronger, more inclusive community.

To create the change we want to see in Ealing, CENF is creating a Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Forum (local residents and businesses working together) is overseeing the delivery of the Plan.  Everyone can take part.  It’s free to all who live, work, study or just visit here to join and to contribute ideas.  The Forum wants to hear from you now.  We’ve just launched our second round of discussions, called “Issues & Options”, on what should be covered in our Plan. Do have a look at the choices we have set out under a number of topic heads.  You may think we’ve missed some obvious things, or have got the wrong idea about what people want.  Let us know, so that we can consider all ideas before the next stage of policy development.’

You can keep up to date with the Forum and its work by signing up as a member of the Forum at, or visit their website, and follow them on Facebook/CentralEalingForum or Twitter @EalingForum.

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