- Walk or bike to support a cause and meet others
- Employers: encourage volunteer/community groups to hold meetings on your site
- Volunteer in your child’s classroom or chaperone a field trip
- Join or start a babysitting circle
- Attend school plays
- Answer surveys when asked
- Businesses: invite local government officials to speak at your workplace
- Join Ealing Transition
- Form a local outdoor activity group
- Participate in political campaigns
- Attend a local council committee meeting
- Form a computer group for locals who need these skills
- Help coach youth sports – even if you don’t have a child playing
- Replace one of your car journeys with public transport, bike or Zipcar
Week 8 (wb 4 April)
- Join Streetbank to start sharing tools and important items with your neighbours
- Start having lunch times (and chats!) with your co-workers
- Join Ealing Freecycle to declutter and save money
- Offer a neighbour a lift to work
- Employers: give employees time (e.g., 3 days per year to work on community projects)
- Plan a “Walking Tour” of a local historic area
- Eat breakfast or brunch at a local gathering spot on Saturdays
Week 9 (wb 11 April)
- Have digital and device free family dinners and read to your children
- Run for public office
- Ask someone who looks lost if they need directions
- Host a street party or an open house
- Start a DIY group – friends willing to help each other clean, paint, garden, etc.
WEN’s Guerilla Gardening post (http://www.
westealingneighbours.org.uk/ ) reminded me to get on with and set up a project I envisaged last summer….I’ve posted on Northfields Friends FB page already….WEN-blog/2014/02/22/guerrilla- gardening-saturday-1st-march/ Anyone up for a community project? Love nature? Want a good reason to chat with your neighbours and work together?
TITLE: #BeeFriendlyAlleyways :
OBJECTIVE: make our alleyways beautiful wildlife corridors as well as functional routes, talk to your neighbours, work together and share your progress online.
BEEWARNED: You need to (collectively) own the alleyway and can check via Land Registry if that is the case. It’s not Guerilla Gardening if you own it! This project is all about the privately owned alleyways across Northfields.
Of course there is a double meaning: you’ll need to work with your neighbours (or meet them for the first time!) and in some cases lend the less able a hand. It could also lead to conversations about how to better secure these routes that burglars often use.
I’ve already cleared my section and plan to document and share progress with you (it looks like a muddy path right now!). We will need to make sure we plant the right species and I’m sure we can find some suitable experts to help with that.
I’ll be trailing this via @New2Northfields on Twitter using the hashtag #BeeFriendlyAlleyways and hope lots of people fancy having a go.
- Offer to serve on a town committee
- Volunteer as a Streetwatcher
Week 10 (wb 18 April)
- Sign up for an evening class
- Talk to your children about the different faiths in West Ealing
- Talk to people about voting, and encourage it
- Persuade a local restaurant to have a designated “meet people” table
- Host or go for dinner before or after a town meeting
- Take dance lessons with a friend
- Say “thanks” to public servants – police, firefighters, bus drivers, councillors, waste recyclers, street cleaners.
Ealing hospital.
Just some unsolicited opinion[n] for you all.
Unfortunately we’ve had to bring our little one into Ealing hospital for a little bit of treatment, and having heard and read bits and pieces of negative comments and being aware of the bigger issue of it being closed/ services being removed, we were a little concerned about how we’d find it. We have been given the best care I’ve ever experienced. Efficient professional staff who can’t do enough to let you know what’s going on and why. I really couldn’t ask for more.
– Jayne