Evening of poetry at the OPENShop in West Ealing Friday 12th July 7.30pm




Do you enjoy poetry? Would you like to read a favourite to us, or just be in the audience and listen?

In conjuction with Pass on a Poem, OPEN Ealing is pleased to announce an evening of readings at OPENShop


13 Drayton Green Road, W13 0NG
Friday 12 July, 7pm for a 7.30 start 

(parking in the next road, on E3/Uxbridge Road bus routes, 1 minute walk from the Lido junction of Northfield Ave/Drayton Green Road)

If you would like to read, please contact Jean at jeanfitzperrin@hotmail.co.uk by Friday 5 July at the latest with the details of poem/poet.


We would like to have about 20 readers. We need an audience too!


Free entry, but donations would be welcome. Refreshments available. All proceeds to Open Ealing.



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