Supt Andy Rowell breaks down over Ealing Riots

At tonight’s special Council meeting myself, Gill and Allison witnessed Superintendent Andy Rowell, Borough Commander tell his side of the story…

Many questions have been asked about Police presence on the night of the riots and there have been criticisms too. What many people wouldn’t have even contemplated is that there were only 35 officers in Ealing Broadway on the night of the riots. Pleas for more assistance via the Resourcing Centre were met with ‘no resources are available’. Having already sent 37 of his specially trained officers to alternative London locations Supt Andy Rowell was unable to retrieve them to handle the ensuing riots on his own patch.

Supt Andy Rowell broke down when he re-told how the events of the night played out and how his officers were severely outnumbered attempting to deal with around 200 rioters in Bond Street alone.  No riot shields, no helmets, no special uniform – nothing.

After listening to this compelling account of the Ealing riots spontaneous applause broke out amongst the chamber and for those of us sitting watching the live video link.


3 Replies to “Supt Andy Rowell breaks down over Ealing Riots”

  1. I was at the meeting with Diane, and Allison one of our committee members, sitting next to one of our volunteer fruit pickers (part of the west ealing neighbours’ abundance project) with a neighbour from west ealing high street, Mike Sylvester, caribbean hairdresser’s, behind us. We were in the Victoria Hall watching the council proceedings on a video link. It was very solemn and proper – I hadn’t expected robes and ceremony and order, but it was all there. No squabbling, no yelling of ‘order’ – it was very seemly and encouraging. There were most moving presentations – and I saw many people dabbing at their eyes. I was most shocked by the testimony of a resident of Madeley Road, who woke to find her front door being kicked in. She stood in her dressing gown as the locks fell off then opened the door and screamed at the sight of three shortish thugs in hoods, one with a mask. They mocked her as they stole the family’s bikes and disappeared. She is obviously traumatised by this invasion and destruction of her private space and wonders how she and other private citizens could be left so vulnerable. It was a chilling account.
    Sally, curate of St John’s, W13, gave a plea for a world with vision. Without it, we’re sunk, apparently. Seems like we all need to hold a piece of the vision, and make it come true. Let’s make it the right vision.

  2. We left for our holiday in France – fixed up long ago – with heavy hearts on 9 Aug. It felt a bit like leaving a sinking ship. We had thought of cancelling ……..
    From a distance reading the accounts of the response from the community has been amazing – what spirit there is despite everything.
    It will be stange returning not quite knowing what we will find. Thank goodness for WEN and Open Ealing.

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