30th July 2024 Uxbridge Road near junction with Northfield Avenue
West Ealing Neighbours (WEN) recently asked Ealing Council to prosecute vehicle owners who park illegally on Broadway and Uxbridge Road in central West Ealing. For months, and probably years, cars have been parked illegally on Broadway – sometimes for many hours. On 3 June 2024 WEN delivered timed photographs of cars illegally parked to Ealing Council Parking Services. Ealing Council’s response was very unhelpful. It continues to consistently fail to enforce these car parking regulations.
The illegal car parking blocks the passage of buses, cyclists and private vehicle drivers. This causes swerving to avoid the cars, delays in vehicular transport and increased pollution with idling engines.
On February 15, 2024 WEN ran a public meeting at the Drayton Court Hotel, West Ealing attended by 150 residents. At the meeting local Councillors present were strongly urged to ensure Council Officers made increased efforts to clear Broadway of illegally parked cars. Almost six months later the car parking problem has not been dealt with.
‘We can’t have one law for a few people and a different law for everyone else’ said Kevin Raftery of WEN. ‘I’ve never seen the cycle lane clear during business hours’, he added.
The Evidence is below:

West Ealing Neighbours (WEN) Formed in 2005 the WEN residents’ group works together to make West Ealing a better place for residents, businesses and visitors.
For more information contact Eric Leach on 07585 490857 and at leachericalan@gmail.com