Overdevelopment threat to Hanwell Arts & Crafts house

We featured the earlier campaign in Hanwell to save the Arts & Crafts house in Church Road. This campaign was successful. There is now a threat to overdevelop the property’s rear garden with considerable loss of green space and the danger of setting a precedent in a conservation area. This is the information we have received about this new campaign:

THANK YOU very much to the residents who raised 400 objections which stopped a planning application to demolish a 1912 Arts & Crafts house at 178 Church Road, Hanwell W7 3BP to build six flats and two houses in a conservation area.  Objectors included James Murray, MP for Ealing North, Ward Councillors, numerous individuals and groups.  A new application has been filed by the developers Luxegrove Homes and the battle is now on to prevent the rear garden from being replaced with:

  • Two, 8.5m high 4-bed semi-detached houses with bin storage and 6 cycle racks for 14 people

 Could you PLEASE object to this new planning application to prevent:

  • 60% loss of greenery – 18 trees, a 200-foot hedge and shrubs which all mitigate climate change
  • Setting a precedentfor back garden housing in a conservation area and for future builds

The saved Arts & Crafts house facing the road, will be turned into two flats with a rear extension, roof terrace and green roof to house 7 people.  A mix of flats and housing is a gross over development with an odd layout, poorly designed houses and a lack of privacy for the 21 proposed residents and neighbours.


  • The two semi-detached houses do not complement the existing house.  The design is poor, with a crude amalgamation of various traditional elements which lack cohesion and architectural integrity
  • The small gardens are not in keeping with the conservation area which features spacious plots
  • The Hanwell Village Green Conservation Area Appraisal states that “gardens should preferably be maintained” whilst The Mayor’s London Plan, sets out ‘the principle of no net loss of overall green cover’ for new builds. The plot is greenfield, not brownfield land, as stated by the developers
  • The houses are 0.7m from 2 neighbour boundaries – too dense, overbearing and over shadowing
  • Two parking spaces for the houses are sited in front of the flat windows an inconvenient 65m walk  
  • The configuration of the site in co-locating both flats and houses compromises the special character of the Conservation Area, diminishing self-containment, privacy and peace for future residents 


  • Overdevelopment of a long, narrow site to house 21 people is not appropriate in this area
  • Loss of important landscape features and the openness and character of generous plots
  • The rear semi-detached houses are not of an acceptable quality and their design would be out of character with the pattern of development in the area and detrimental to the conservation area
  • Adverse impacts on the amenity of nearby dwellings
  • The benefit of extra housing does not outweigh the harm to the conservation area


Please go to: https:///pam.ealing.gov.uk/online-applications/ and search for 216269FUL.  You can view the ‘Documents’ tab and object on the ‘Comments’ tab.  The deadline is Wednesday 8 DECEMBER 2021.

Contact jeanetteanngrose@yahoo.co.uk for any queries. Thank you – your help is really appreciated!

Let’s get West Ealing library back at the centre of our community

West Ealing library is back open again for three days a week. It’s looking for volunteers to help extend its opening hours and for ways to once again be a hub for the local community. It’s already running a range of classes and activities and are looking for ideas to expand these. The library’s development officer Rachel Bangera de Souza writes:

“After a backdrop of council cuts in the area, West Ealing Library became community managed in 2020 and began a phased opening to the general public in July 2020. Our team of dedicated volunteers and Ealing and Hounslow Community Voluntary Service (EHCVS) gave been working hard so far and we’re now open every week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am-4pm. We’ve also got the knitting group back in the library, have storytimes running every Tuesday with sessions at 10am and 10:45am and have Digital Champions providing drop-in digital support 3 times a week. To keep up to date with how we’re getting on, have a look at our website www.westealingcommunitylibrary.co.uk or our Facebook page.

We’re keen for the local community can get involved in the library to keep the library going as a thriving community hub. If you’re looking to volunteer at the library then please go on our website here, to look at our available long-term roles and register your interest. We also welcome offers from groups for one-off jobs like washing windows, cleaning and decorating, so please email westealingcommunitylibrary@ehcvs.org.uk if you’d like to set something up.

Now, we’re also looking for ways that local groups and businesses can support us to keep expanding our activities, so if you’re looking for a long-term base for your organisation, or looking for a venue for meetings, activities and events, we have just the solution for you! Explore our options for venue hire and permanent office space and help support the running of West Ealing Community Library with the added benefit of having EHCVS’ network of charities, community and voluntary groups at your fingertips.

We have permanent office space and hot desking options with kitchen facilities, internet connection and printing/copying services available for your organization to use. We also have venue hire options including the newly built training room in the library which are all modern and wheelchair accessible. For more details and prices please email bookings@ehcvs.org.uk.

Not interested in room hire but are looking to support the library in other ways through your business whether it be financial or otherwise? Please email us at westealingcommunitylibrary@ehcvs.org.uk.

We look forward to welcoming more of you back in the library and getting the community fully involved!”

Complete this survey and say what you think about living in Ealing

A number of local residents’ groups, including Ealing Matters, Save Ealing’s Centre, Stop the Towers, Draytons Community Association and Save Gurnell, have got together and designed an online survey to find out about residents’ experience of living in Ealing.

They are reaching out to every part of the borough to obtain as full a picture of residents’ attitudes as possible, and they would love to hear your views.

Please complete the survey at:

The survey is anonymous. That means that they will not collect any information or publish the results in a form that would make you personally identifiable.

The information you provide will help them understand people’s priorities across the borough.  Thank you for taking part!

PS The Council is running a separate online survey at the moment to help shape the new Local Plan. It’s called Shaping Ealing and we are encouraging everyone to take part in that survey as well since the Local Plan will determine how Ealing changes over the next 15 years.

Developer wins appeal to build 20-storey tower next to West Ealing station

Sadly, the decision by The Planning Inspectorate to give the go-ahead for this tower is no great surprise. The documentation with this decision is long and detailed. These are some of the key points about the Inspector’s decison:

‘The Council’s acceptance that it cannot demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites.’ The Council appears not to have proper records to prove it does not need this site to meet its housing targets.

The area around the site is largely non-residential.

There are already ‘buildings of significant size in the immediate area’ – Waitrose, Luminoscity, Sinclair House, Dominion House and the new station.

The proposed site itself is single -storey buildings of poor quality and under-used.

The starting point to assess the proposed tall building is ‘whether the site is worthy of the gesture. A spine of taller development is evolving along the path of the railway.’ This proposal would be seen as another part of that spine. So the site is worthy of the gesture.

The proposed building (not as high as that originally proposed) would not appear as an alien insertion into the townscape. It would be an indicator of the transition from buildings of lower size and height to the more intensive uses and buildings of greater height around the node or hub formed by the meeting of the roads, their crossing of the railway and the station.

The design, as long as the materials are of high quality, will be an exemplary piece of design that will make a positive contribution to the area.

The proposed building is well outside the conservation area and we should not equate visibility and harm.

The Council is delivering at best 40% of its objectively assessed need for affordable housing. The provision of these 144 units would be all be affordable homes.

There is no unacceptable impact on the living conditions of existing residents through loss of sunlight, loss of daylight, visual impact, overshadowing, overlooking and loss of privacy.

No Blue Badge parking will not be a deterrent given it is next to the step-free access station and the developer will give £10,000 to the Council to provide Blue Badge parking nearby.

Dean Gardens survey results: bigger bins, better CCTV, more play facilities and community gardening

There’s a lot more to the survey than just these headlines but these suggestions feature well up the list of people’s choices for how to improve the park. What was not scored high were such ideas as re-aligning the cycle track, installing a cycle repair station and putting in distance markers.

The full results of the consultation are now on the Council’s website. It’s a detailed report, so plenty to read. It’s well worth noting that the consultation had a very good response with 843 replies which compares very well with the response to many other Council consultations.

The report pinpoints the reasons why people go to Dean Gardens. ‘ The most popular reason for people to go to Dean Gardens with almost half of all respondents walking through it on their way to another destination such as school, shops, work or the station. Cycling through the park, the children’s play area, doing informal exercise and using the park for quiet
relaxation were also popular reasons. Very few respondents use the park for team sports and dog walking and 60 respondents said they don’t visit the park. Respondents could select more than one answer from the list and could also give other reasons.

Other reasons people gave included attending local festivals and events in the park, walking through the park to avoid the busy main road, playing basketball, roller-skating and skateboarding and using the park as part of a longer walking or running route.’

Following on from this the report gives the responses to the questions asked about what improvements they would like to see from a list provided by the Council. From these responses the report lasy out what improvements will start to be made and when. The first improvements will be made this winter and include:

  • Bigger compactor style bins
  • Upgrade CCTV
  • Logs, boulders and mounds
  • Free community activities
  • Community gardening area
  • Community orchard

These will be followed in Spring 2022 by:

  • Repair cycle route
  • Remove ‘teen’ tower
  • New trampoline
  • New calisthenics frame
  • New cantilever swing
  • New gym equipment

More development coming on West Ealing high street

Rumours about Catalyst Housing Group selling its properties on the high street either side of St James Avenue have proved accurate. Some of these buildings have been empty for a while so a sale has seemed the obvious next step. The buildings which include the Welshore Hub, the addiction treatment agency RISE, the empty corner shops on either side of St James Avenue along with St James House have all been sold to Luxgrove Capital Partners for redevelopment.

Ealing voluntary litter cleaning group win Queen’s Award

Many of you will know about LAGER Can by seeing their blue rubbish bags around our streets. Behind the blue bags lies an ever-growing group of volunteers (including me) who are making a massive difference to how our streets look. They have worked incredibly hard to clean up some of West Ealing’s really heavily littered areas such as Witham Road and Canberra Road. As well as cleaning up all the litter and dumped rubbish, LAGER Can have been working hard to tackle some of the underlying problems such as new flats without proper bins and commercial bins being broken open by flytippers (as happens with the bins behind Gregg’s in West Ealing).

The work of LAGER Can has been recognised with a Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. Thoroughly deserved and if you want to find out more or join the group, and there’s a local West Ealing group, here’s their Facebook page.

Petition to make Warren Farm a Local Nature Reserve presented to London Assembly

10,000 signatures for Ealing nature reserve presented to London Assembly

21 September 2021

Press release from the campaigners:

Campaigners asking for Local Nature Reserve (LNR) status for a series of urban meadows in Ealing, West London presented their petition to London Assembly Member Caroline Pidgeon today. The Warren Farm Nature Reserve petition was launched in January 2021 and now has 10,700 signatures. 

The plan to designate Warren Farm and its surrounding meadows by the River Brent as a statutory LNR has been put forward by the Brent River & Canal Society (BRCS), a charity which campaigned successfully to create the Brent River Park (BRP) in the 1970s. Since Ealing Council stopped using Warren Farm as a sports facility, the meadows have rewilded and now form a unique urban grassland. Species of birds, mammals, plants, reptiles, amphibians and insects which are rare in London have been recorded thriving on the land. This proposal would preserve the meadows for future generations and ensure the protection of its rare and endangered species such as the Skylark, a red-listed bird facing UK extinction. 

The petition was presented by BRCS Trustee Katie Boyles, young conservationist and wildlife writer Kabir Kaul and CPRE London’s Head of Green Space Campaigns, Alice Roberts. Campaigners are asking the Mayor and the London Assembly to support the granting of LNR status to Warren Farm, as part of the CPRE’s Ten New Parks for London campaign. Not wishing to use paper unnecessarily, the campaigners presented the petition on a memory stick, held in the beak of a model barn owl. The barn owl is one of the endangered species found on Warren Farm and the Barn Owl Trust is supporting the nature reserve campaign.

Other supporters of the campaign include prominent environmental campaigners, such as Lord Randall of Uxbridge, forensic botanist Mark A Spencer, West London Ramblers, Ealing Wildlife Group and London National Park City.

Alice Roberts stressed the importance of areas like Warren Farm for London’s green space and biodiversity:

“London has just half the green space it needs for a population its size. Yet there are many green spaces in the capital which, if properly managed, could be used as public amenities while, at the same time, increasing London’s biodiversity. One such is Warren Farm, a large area of abandoned former playing fields and land in Ealing. It was at risk of being given away but now, in cooperation with the local charity the Brent River & Canal Society, CPRE London is asking for the Mayor’s support to give this unique rewilded space Local Nature Reserve status. We have named Warren Farm as one of our Ten New Parks for London and hope that the Mayor will help us to ensure it is preserved for future generations.”

BRCS Trustee and campaign organiser Katie Boyles commented:

“We are absolutely delighted to have achieved over 10,600 signatures on our petition. Lockdown has opened people’s eyes to the importance of local nature and it is clear from the huge level of support we are receiving that residents want to see green spaces like Warren Farm protected.

“We simply cannot afford to lose this vast wildflower meadow habitat of which there are less than 2% remaining in the UK. The biodiversity loss would be catastrophic for London. We have red-listed birds, insects and plant species recorded here that are facing UK extinction. We are in conversation with Ealing Council Leader, Peter Mason, and now we are asking for support from the Mayor and Assembly to make this happen. We want Warren Farm Nature Reserve to set a precedent for what can be achieved.”

Kabir Kaul, the young conservationist and wildlife writer who came up with the idea for the campaign, said:

“It has been wonderful to be part of this campaign and I have learned so much about this precious green space in the heart of Ealing as a result. This magnificent grassland habitat is home to several rare and red-listed species, including Skylarks: it brings me, and many others, great joy to hear their song in the borough. The meadow also benefits many other bird species, including Mistle Thrushes, Red Kites, Rooks, Buzzards, and in September, a migratory Wryneck visited. If Warren Farm and the surrounding Brent River Park Meadows receive the designation of a Local Nature Reserve, it will ensure that the site’s important biodiversity can be protected, and encourage more residents to enjoy it for years to come.”

Caroline Pidgeon will pass the petition to the Mayor and table a written question calling for his support at the October meeting.
