Have your say on how central Ealing will develop in next 10 years

London’s first business area neighbourhood plan


Local democracy has taken a step forward in Central Ealing, with the start of public consultation on a neighbourhood plan for the Ealing Broadway area.
The Central Ealing Neighbourhood Forum, the body jointly representing businesses and residents, has been working on the details of a local plan which will influence development in the town centre over the next 10 years.
The Forum’s Plan concentrates on four sets of issues, based on earlier consultation. These cover the future of Ealing’s economy (shops, offices and jobs); its heritage of architecture and green space; transport and the public realm; and cultural and community facilities.
Comments are being invited on a range of policies and recommended actions developed from ideas received from the public. When the comments have been received on these proposals, the Forum’s final plan will be submitted to Ealing Council for review by an independent Examiner, who will check it to see it meets statutory requirements. It will then be put to a local referendum.
If approved, the proposals will be adopted as part of Ealing’s official Local Plan. Details can be seen and responses sent in through the Forum’s website. The deadline for response is 8th April.

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