Police launch Operation Bottletop to tackle street drinking in West Ealing

Walpole and Elthorne Safer Neighbourhoods Teams have launched a new initiative combatting alcohol related antisocial behaviour and street crime called OPERATION BOTTLETOP.

The operation will see officers tackling these issues through targeting hotspots such as Dean Gardens and areas surrounding West Ealing Broadway having listened to the concerns of West Ealing residents and hearing the detrimental impact these issues have been having on the local community.

The teams have already made significant progress on the initiative. Over the weekend of September 19th and 20th, officers from the Walpole SNT arrested two men for racially aggravated public order offences who had been drinking heavily in the Dean Gardens. Elthorne SNT officers arrested one man for affray following an alcohol fuelled fight on Uxbridge Road in the early hours of Friday morning and one man for begging, who was found to be in possession of more than £250 in cash. Two men were given cannabis warnings.

There will be a strong drive for officers to enforce controlled drinking zone dispersal powers and alcohol confiscations. By the end of the weekend 26 alcohol confiscations have taken place from people drinking in the streets. Police officers will be joined by outreach workers from RISE, Ealing Council’s commissioned drug and alcohol intervention service.

462 litres of non duty paid beer and lager was seized from three premises in the West Ealing Broadway area on September 22nd after officers from the Met Police’s Licensing Team conducted a planned series of visits to off-licenses. Licenced premises found to be trading in an irresponsible manner risk having their premises licences revoked by a licensing authority sub-committee.

The operation will initially run from the 18th September through to December and will then be reviewed to consider extending the initiative. This follows a successful campaign by Safer Neighbourhoods Teams in Greenford, Northolt and Perivale, which saw a significant reduction in levels of street drinking and associated street crime.

Officers would like your support by reporting any street drinkers congregating and causing any Anti Social Behaviour to the Safer Neighbourhoods Team by email at Walpole.SNT@met.police.uk, titling your email Operation Bottletop.

The neighbourhood teams will not only be taking a firm line against ASB they will also be gathering evidence to support a ‘Public Spaces Protection Order’ (PSPO) in West Ealing. Officers are keen to gather impact statements from those affected by street drinking in the area. People wishing to give impact statements are encouraged to email Walpole.SNT@met.police.uk

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