Book your stall for the Northfields Jumble Trail in June

This was a great success last year and reached up as far as Regina Road.  The organisers write about thier plans for this year:

‘We have our first few stalls for the Northfields Jumble Trail 2015! It is on Saturday 6th June, it is FREE to have a stall, you keep all the money you make (or give it to a charity of your choice), and it’s a great community event where you can sell all that stuff you’ve been meaning to get rid of of from right outside your own house. Toys, clothes, books, music, cakes, crafts, furniture, whatever you like. Last year’s sale made almost £2,000!

All you have to do is sign up, put your pin on the map, help spread the word and on Sat 6th June we’ll have a big Northfields-wide jumble sale. Click the link below to join in. ‘

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