OPEN Ealing: showcasing London artists at Westfield, Shepherds Bush 4th-10th August

Exhibition at Westfield London: We Are LDN Summer. 4th August-10th August

Benjamin Bridges – Coronal Loop. 152x122cm Oil on Canvas 2013

4th-10th August @Westfield London, Shepherds Bush.

OPEN’s curator, Jack Jones has been hard at work these last few months on a number of different projects. Coming this August, in partnership with Westfield London, Jack is curating a special showcase of artists from across London. Which include some local Ealing artists. The London Collection was created to bring together the different projects Jack is currently working with in west London. We would love for your support and to celebrate this unique project.

For more information, please visit the London Collection website, and join the facebook/twitter/mailing list to keep up to date!

About the exhibition:
WESTFIELD LAUNCHES WE ARE LDN SUMMER CAMPAIGNSix Weeks of Culture and Culinary Art at Westfield LondonTo celebrate the launch of Westfield’s ‘We Are LDN Summer’ campaign, running 16 July – 31 August, visitors to Westfield London will be treated to six weeks of London’s best in class of dance, music, art, food, children and fashion themed activity.

4th-10th “The London Collection”

Curated by Jack Jones of The London Collection. The exhibition brings together a selection of established and emerging artists to promote the cultural richness and diversity that West London has to offer. This exciting collection will feature contemporary painting, photography and sculpture.

“This exhibition is about showcasing artists work rather than working under a curatorial theme. I think this is an opportunity for the artists to demonstrate their talents to an entirely different spectrum of viewer and I didn’t want that opportunity to get interrupted by a concept. Each of these artists are incredibly talented and with their own distinct ideas. for more information about the artists and the upcoming event, please visit for more information.”
The London Collection was started to develop more opportunities to  exhibit artists in West London. In partnership with OPEN Ealing and HF-ArtsFest the London Collection works across multiple west London Boroughs working with local authorities and private businesses to establish a platform for Contemporary art. 

Below are some of the Artists exhibiting at Westfield London. From left to right: Martin Lau, Durbin Lewis, Benjamin Jasper Buckley, Alex Baker and Nick Pearson.

In association with:          

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