Ealing Broadway Crossrail plans to be revealed

Central Ealing Neighbourhood Forum (CENF) Inaugural General Meeting:


Hopefully Ealing Broadway Crossrail Plans Revealed at Last!


Wednesday 24 July 2013: 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Liz Cantell Room, Ealing Town Hall


CENF was designated by Government in March 2013 to create a Neighbourhood Plan for the Central Ealing Business Neighbourhood Area. A 12 person Management Committee will be elected at this meeting.

Crossrail will also be represented at the meeting and hopefully more details will be revealed and discussed concerning the rebuilding of Ealing Broadway Station.

Tell the forum what you want for the future of central Ealing and find out more about the forum at www.centralealingforum.com.


Eric Leach

18 July 2013

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