Tango lessons, poetry evening, Zumba, free music and more at OPEN Ealing in February

February sees OPEN Ealing launch its first ever OPEN Poetry evening on Wednesday 15th along with the opportunity to learn the tango – what more could you ask for?  Well, actually, there’s also our regular First Friday free music this Friday followed in the evening by the launch of ealingfaces – an exhibition of portraits of local people. I was going to get my portrait painted but never did quite manage it!

First Friday music on February 3rd 12.30-1.30 with the Tribulus Quartet playing an oboe quartet and a piece by Benjamin Britten.

OPEN Poetry on Wednesday 15th February at 8pm  entrance free.  Readings by four poets and an open-mic session. More  here

Tango lessons – if there is enough interest in learning to dance the tango OPEN will put on lessons on Friday evenings. Find out more here

And if it’s Zumba you’re looking for we have five Zumba classes a week on different days and at different time and you can follow one of the Zumba teachers on Twitter @ZumbaShaf




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