Week 11 (wb 2 May)
- Fight to keep essential local services – your A&E post office, police station, school, etc.
- Become a school governor
- Gather a group to clean up a local park or cemetery
- When somebody says “government stinks,” suggest they help fix it
- Turn off the TV, put down your phone or tablet, and talk
- Hold a neighbourhood barbecue (if wet in the hall)
- Bake biscuits for new neighbours or work colleagues
Elodie 3:24pm Feb 22 After the success of their pop up shop in our drive in November, our children (7 and 9) have decided to have another one today. They have been baking all morning and are selling fairy cakes and banana cake. Cakes are going fast at number 89 Coldershaw.
Jeanie 3:57pm Mar 7 You know it is good to live somewhere when a Coldershaw neighbour leaves sweet smelling spring flowers on your doorstep
Makes a welcome change from fox poo!
Week 12 (wb 9 May)
- Plant flowers at the base of street trees
- Volunteer at the library
- Form or join a running club
- Return a lost wallet
- Use public transport and start talking with those you regularly see
- Ask neighbours for help, and reciprocate
a local friend has just spent the night with a woman who came out of hospital after an operation, is a single parent & needed help & support as she had no one else to turn to.
-Jeanie, 11 March
- Go to a local live music event
Week 13 (wb 16 May)
- Call an old friend/relative
- Offer to share your table for lunch
- Accept or extend an invitation
- Talk to your kids or parents about their day
- Smile (in an unthreatening way!) at strangers
- Log off and go to the park
- Ask a new person to join your group for a dinner or an evening
Week 14 (wb 23 May)
- Host a bring and share meal or participate in one
- Volunteer to give someone a lift
- Say hello when you spot an acquaintance in a supermarket
- Host a movie night
- Exercise together or take walks with friends or family
- Assist with or create your town or neighbourhood’s newsletter
- Organise a litter pick – with games in Dean Gardens afterwards
Week 15 (wb 6 June)
- Join an oral history project – as history collector, or history giver
- Join a book club
- Volunteer to deliver Meals-on-Wheels in your neighbourhood
- Start a children’s story hour at your local library
- Be real. Be humble.
- Tell friends and family about social capital and why it matters
- Get involved in neighbourhood planning