- Smile at a neighbour

I was by the spirits looking for sherry, in Sainsbury’s, and I smiled at a lady next to me and said ‘I’m going to make a trifle and I only want a small sherry’ so she proceeded to suggest many things I could put in this trifle. She said, ‘Have you got any whisky at home’, I said ‘I don’t know, I’m at my daughter’s’, she said ‘phone her up and ask her.’ I decided eventually just to use fruit juice. This was one of two conversations in West Ealing Broadway this morning. I also obtained at least five smiles from different people!
– Margaret, a visitor to West Ealing, aged 89, who likes the Broadway!
- Organise a social gathering to welcome a new neighbour
- Go to a local social event
Andrea 1:29pm Feb 19
Anyone want to be Royalty for the day? Join in with Hanwell Carnival!
Fancy a night out? Come and join us next friday. For our annual quiz and curry night. Please inbox me if you would like a ticket, but be quick they are selling fast….
-Tiffany 11:45am Feb 25
- Go to the local pop-up shop
- Register to vote
- Support a town meeting
- Post something supportive on a local social media site
We had two community fundraisers at Christ the Saviour School yesterday. Donuts for Dads breakfast, inviting Dads and carers that otherwise wouldn’t get to drop their children at school as they need to get to work and a year 5 and 6 bake off. We had 150 for Donuts and 28 teams for the bake off. Lots of smiles, lots of humour and I felt blessed to be part of an amazing school with the most lovely children. Made my valentines day.
– DianeShops wise – definitely pretty ropey. For 22yrs now I have hoped it would get better. Coldershaw road however is a brilliant place to live – We have a FB page that is used to organise social “street meets”, where any neighbours can turn up & chat, share a glass & food. People talk to one another/look out for each other. I hope that the refurbishment of the Grosvenor Pub will finally give us a decent place to meet up, & for W7 Edge to continue performances, a short walk away from home. You never know, it might catch on!
– JeanieThe little Gold Mine jewelry store in West Ealing Broadway where kind staff have reconnected bits of chain and put my elderly watch back together without charging. You can however donate instead to one of the charities they support. Well worth a mention on WEN.– Virginia, 1:49pm Feb 21_Hi Gill, I think this is a great idea
– Katherine, 9:38am Feb 19It might be worth contacting them directly. I also think it might be worth rewording some of the posts about the idea slightly. Rather more “we love WE because…” rather less “some people think WE is a dump, we disagree because”. Don’t for a minute want to disparage any of the work that’s been done so far. Like I say, I think this is a really great idea and gives us the opportunity to celebrate all the things we love about W Ealing and shape its future.
– Katherine, 1:22pm Feb 19Having recently moved to Acton I have found your community page amazing! So fantastic in fact that my husband & I have set one up for Acton
For all committed to improving the standard of living & community spirit of Acton & the surrounding areas – ‘Acton CASA – Cleaner and Safer Acton’
Please add yourself/friends to the brand new group, we need all the support we can get… Thank you!-Laura
I need some emergency advice please! I just tripped coming up the stairs carrying a full paint can and managed to tip white paint all over the light brown carpet. Agh! I have mopped up what I can and it is slowly coming out but any advice as to how I can get it gone completely. Thanks :).
- Don’t use nail varnish remover on emulsion. – A
- Get all you can off with a filling knife then lots of hot water with shampoo then dry it so it don’t go out of shape and if you need a painter let me no as I’m one good luck –-I
- Volunteer your special skills to an organization
- Donate blood (with a friend!)
- Join the community garden
- Offer time, or ask for help from, a mentoring scheme
- Surprise a new neighbour with a homemade cake or bread
- Audio- or video-record your parents’ earliest memories and share them with your children
- Plan a holiday with friends or family
- Support local shops
Grosvenor Pub news.
There is a thread on our forum started by the new owners at http://www.
westealingneighbours.org.uk/ WEN-blog/wen-forum/wen-forum- group1/general-discussion- forum2/the-grosvenor-pub- thread57.0 and we are invited individually to contact the owner on peterm@foodandfuel.co.uk if we would like to attend a meeting to get to know them and express our views -Valeria
As well as Tea Darling, there was Fiona Daly who is a dressmaker and does bespoke soft furnishings etc. Her facebook page is characreative. I asked her if she could reshape a tweed jacket I have and she did a fantastic job. You would not tell it has been altered and now it fits me perfectly! I would recommend her.
-Elodie – 7:15pm Mar 13
- Have a bake sale for a charity
- Help jump start someone’s car
- Organise or join a team sport
- Join a gardening club
- Attend house parties when invited
- Become an organ donor or blood marrow donor.
- Attend your children’s sports events
- Get to know your children’s teachers
- Join the local Rotary or Women’s Institute
- Offer your skills to Brownies/Guides or Cubs/Scouts
- Start a monthly coffee morning
Eight or so neighbours (almost) spontaneously turned up at the pop-up vintage tea-room on Sat March 8th and drank tea, ate cake and chatted. It’s strange that it’s extraordinary but above all, it’s just brilliant. Thank you ‘150 events’ for making such simple things possible.
-Gill, 10 March
- Attend a talk or event at Ealing library – bring a friend
.@WENeighbours @WestEalingWI has a choir, combining community acts from this week and last week!
— Mild Peril (@mildperil) March 15, 2014
- Get to know the counter staff at your local shops
- Attend PTA meetings
- Audition for local amateur dramatics or volunteer backstage
- Give your park a weatherproof chess/draughts board
- Play cards with friends or neighbours
- Give time or food to your local food bank
hi im the community champion at tesco in ealing … maybe i can help with something … taking some goodies to a pensioners lunch may be a good idea … let me know what u think …